
A template body can be written in plain HTML or combination of HTML and Velocity markup. The available objects for the Velocity context are described in API for templates

Velocity examples (7.1)

Title of the page


Get a service object

#set ($resources = $services.getResources())
#set ($folders = $services.getFolders())

Display paragraph


Array and random selection

#set( $randomStyles = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight"] )

Random access (assuming that an instance of java.util.Random in the Velocity context with name random)

<body id="home" class="$randomStyles.get($random.nextInt(8))"> 

Create a content index

#set($folderResource= $resources.resourceForPathSecure("/Events"))
#set($asc = $enums.of("ccc.types.SortOrder", "ASC"))
#set($folder = $folders.getChildrenPaged($folderResource.getId(),"",$asc,1,20))
#foreach ($pageRS in $folder)
#set($page = $pages.pageDelta($pageRS.getId()))
      <h2><a href="$pageRS.getAbsolutePath()">$pageRS.getTitle()</a></h2>
       <ul class="eventlist">
    #set($rawDate = $page.getParagraph("Date").date())
    <li>Date: $dateTool.format('d MMMMM yyyy', $rawDate)</li>
    <li>Time: $page.getParagraph("Time").text()</li>

Display search results (for 'search' resource's template)

#set($resources = $services.getResources())
#foreach($hit in $result.hits()) 
    #set ($hitResource = $resources.resource($hit))
<form name="search" action="$">
	<input name="q" autocomplete="off" value="$terms"/>
	<input type="submit" value="Search"  name="go"/>
Shown Hits: $!result.hits().size() - Total: $!result.totalResults()</br>
#set ($pages = ($result.totalResults()+9)/10)
#if ( $result.totalResults() > 0) 
	#foreach($page in [1..$pages]) 
		#set ($linkNumber = ($page+-1))
		#if ($linkNumber == $pageNumber)
		#elseif ($linkNumber != $pageNumber)
			<a href="$$terms&p=$linkNumber">$page</a>

Display optional paragraph

#macro( optional $name $startText $endText)
    #foreach( $para in $resource.getParagraphs() )
       #if ($ == $name && $para.text())

Normal $resource.paragraph("NAME").text() causes an exception in case there is no paragraph with matching name.

Following macro takes three parameters. $name is for the paragraph name, $startText is the text to be appended before the paragraph text, $endText is the text to be appended after the paragraph.


#optional('PanelOne_Custom' '<div id="panel">' '</div>' )


Display breadcrumb

#macro ( breadcrumb) 
   #foreach ($element in $resource.getAbsolutePath().substring(9).split("/"))

Include another resource


Parse another resource


Read metadata value with default value


Display current year

#macro (currentYear)
    #set ($cal = $calendar.getInstance())



Display image type paragraph

#macro( optionalImage $name)
#foreach( $para in $resource.getParagraphs() )
#if ($ == $name && $para.text())
#set($imageResource = $resources.resource($uuid.fromString($para.text())))